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30 Inspirational Quotes About A healthy diet plan for diabetes

First of all, although I am not a low carb believer (I certainly don't https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=The path to understanding Diabetes think extremely Low Carbohydrate Diets are Healthy), I do believe that one of the main Reasons that the vast Majority of people struggle to ever Loose Weight is that they are over-consuming Processed Refined Carbohydrates such as Pasta, Bagels, Breads, Cereals, Rice, Muffins, Sodas, Juices, Candies, Crackers, etc.

Over consumption of refined processed Carbohydrates makes it exceeding hard to Loose Weight despite following a stiff physical regime. This causes Blood Sugar spikes and the resultant Insulin surges not only stimulate increased Body Fat Storage but also lead to Sugar cravings as well as increase Hunger Pangs.

A majority of the Carbohydrate Sources that are apparently considered healthy are more often than not, clever marketing strategies. The biggest example of these are the many types of Breads and Cereals which are claimed to be Whole Grain have majorly refined Flour as their first ingredient with some added much smaller portions of Bran and Germ. This repeated consumption of surplus/excess processed Carbohydrates puts a additional stress on the Pancreas. Over the years it becomes harder and harder for Insulin to do its job and continue to handle the raised Blood Sugar Levels. This eventually leads to Insulin Resistance and finally to Type 2 Diabetes in many people. As described under the nutritional guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes in my website (www.archanaagarwaldiet.com)

The following guidelines coupled with a regular Physical Regime and destressing activities like Meditation, Yoga would help to deal with the Resistant Weight because of Insulin Resistance

1. Reducing overall Grain Based Foods in the diet (Pasta, Cereal, Rice, Crackers, etc) and focusing more on Legumes and Beans which are not only a good source of complex Carbohydrates but provide the much needed Fibre for both Satiety and Health Benefits.

2. The major source of Carbohydrates should be from Complex rather than Refined and Processed in the form of flour. A variety of Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Cruciferous Vegetables and many Dark Coloured Vegetables are excellent source of essential Micro Nutrients and Anti Oxidants which help to eliminate Free Radicals which cause Inflammation.

3. A variety of seasonal Fruits which are rich in Anti-Oxidants make an interesting Nutrient Dense and Not Calorie Dense Snack Option.

4. While consuming Grains it’s essential to focus on the most Nutrient Dense and Fibrous Portion of the grain – the Bran and the Germ.

This would mean using Oat Bran instead of Oat Meal and using Wheat The path to understanding Diabetes Germ and Rice Bran by adding them to the Salads, Yogurts, Cottage Cheese, Soups, Smoothies etc. This helps to retrieve the maximum Nutrition out of the Grains and avoiding the extra starch Rich Calories.

5. Healthy Fats such as Avocados, Guacamole, Nuts, Seeds, Nut Butters are a Good Source of Proteins too which go a long way in satisfying your Appetite, Controlling Blood Sugar Levels, Regulating Hormone Levels and hence helping you to reach your goal of Desirable Body Weight.